Wednesday, February 11, 2009


My Toby was feeling bad because he was not on the header. (He likes to watch when I do things.) So here is a picture of him. I rescued him from the Michigan Anti Cruelty League., when he was about 2 years old. This is our second cat in our marriage of 45 years. Our first cat was also a Siamese named Tao, who was a wonderful cat.
This is the story of how Toby became ours: After Tao died,
we tried once to get another cat, but since I am allergic to them it didn't work out and we had to return him. Time went by and the girls went off to college (Go MSU), got jobs, and moved into their own places. MI daughter loves cats! So as soon as she had her first apartment she got a cat, and ended up with three. My asthma didn't seem so bad, so I kept telling myself that someday before I died I was going to get another cat, because I love them so much.
In 2000 I was sitting in my car eating a Big Mac, my last before starting a diet the next day, and decided that perhaps I should stop at the PetSmart and check out the cats for adoption. Then again why torture myself since I couldn't have one, and besides there wouldn't be a Siamese. Of course I stopped. Who can pass out a chance to be around cats! Lo and Behold there was a SIAMESE with a little bit of domestic cat mixed in. Right then I knew I had to have him, so I filled out the paper work, had a phone interview that afternoon, and he was ours. We are his forever home.

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