Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Y and Z

I had been putting off making the y an z card, because I couldn't
think of an idea that I wanted to use. 
However,  one day I bought a pack of ephemera of vintage
things, and there in the pack was a page from a
children's old dictionary.   It was the last page of the book
and low and behold there were my images for the y and z!
It was as if it was fated to be.

Yikes, I can't believe it has been so long since I blogged.  I get lazy sometimes and just tune things out, due to fact that I was trying to catch up on a block of the  month quilt class that I am in.  So now  that I am almost caught up with all the commitments for my quilting and paper crafts,  I can get to blogging a bit.

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